Looking for a chiropractor in Red Hook?
Welcome to Red Hook Family Chiropractic
6 Tobacco Lane, Suite D, Red Hook, NY 12571 - next to the Flatiron Restaurant
"Let our family take care of yours"
Dedicated To Providing Quality
Healthcare for Your Family
About our office
We accept No Fault Insurance, Workers Comp, most Major Medical, Medicare, cash, check or credit cards.
Phone# 845-758-4218
Fax# 845-758-4301
email redhookfamilychiropractic@yahoo.com
Dr. Reginald Boenig (Dr. Reg), has over 30 years of experience, with specialized training in nutrition and pediatrics. He graduated from Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, GA in 1990 and has special training in nutrition, pediatrics, and radiology. We believe in helping the body heal itself, and in educating our patients in how to do so.